Why are freelancers or remote jobs a better option than full time employees?

Regardless of the size of your company, you have certainly considered remote jobs using freelancers instead of full-time staff at some point. You may have given it some thought because of a difficult sales year or too many problems with particular personnel. Although hiring independent contractors sounds nice, is it truly feasible?

What’s wrong with Full-time Employees?

It is a known truth that practically all business owners prefer to work with staff members who have been with them from the beginning. It may seem inappropriate to choose the opposite option and hire a freelancer because there is a certain level of trust that develops between a company and its workers. But why do companies that rely only on independent contractors exist? Despite the fact that full-time workers are excellent, here are some reasons why firms prefer freelancers to them:

  • Employees are costly.
  • Employees need some management due to the local skill availability
  • Insufficient specialization

When you have workers, you have to pay them even when there is not any work to be done. That’s just the way things are. Freelancers may be employed and compensated on a task-by-task basis. Depending on the circumstances, hiring freelancers rather than full-time staff will likely result in greater financial savings. Your company can only benefit from having access to a worldwide talent pool of skilled professionals.

If your company is located in a small city, you may have trouble finding employees that have the necessary abilities. Even if you do manage to locate someone with the necessary skills, they may demand greater wages and incentives given their awareness of the dearth of competent individuals in the region. Hiring a freelancer in these situations could be the best option as you can obtain the abilities needed to complete the work without being obligated to pay an employee year-round.

The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Freelancer

Why do not most firms use freelancers if it is plainly simpler and quicker for them to discover them than employees? Businesses trust their own workers more than they do independent contractors, especially when it comes to important jobs. An employee is someone who has worked for the business for a long period. They likely have a deeper grasp of the business than the freelancer does. However, it does not follow that you should not employ a freelancer. The benefits and drawbacks of employing a freelancer for your company are as follows:

Pros of Hiring a Freelancer:

You only pay per task

Freelancers are not inexpensive as remote jobs employee. However, you should not be forced to acquire a new employee only to make up the difference if your company needs a certain set of abilities that none of your current employees has. It might be time-consuming and more expensive to repeat the entire hiring procedure. When you hire a freelancer, you put in less work and receive someone with the skill set you need. Only the jobs they accomplish need payment from you. You might be able to do this to save the expense and inconvenience of employing additional workers.

Access to skills from all over the world

Assume your company is situated in a far-off area. It might not be feasible to have every employee there in person. Even if you may already have a few workers, the responsibilities of your job grow over time, slowing you down. For startups and businesses located in remote places, it is a typical issue. The ability to work remotely and offer their talents to your project is provided by hiring a freelancer.

It’s a short term partnership

Hiring a freelancer is a temporary arrangement unlike hiring a typical employee. They work for you, you pay them, and you recruit them. There are not any long-term obligations or rules to figure out. Whenever you require their talents, you may continually engage the same freelancer and let them go when you do not. This type of flexibility is not available when you are working with full-time staff.


They may not be reliable

You should look at a freelancer’s experience and ratings before employing them since these factors reveal how skilled they are. There is always a chance that a freelancer would give up on your job since they are not held to high standards of dedication. This implies that even if you would not have to pay them, it will have an impact on your project, particularly if it is a crucial one. Always remember to ask as many questions as you need to in order to better understand the freelancer before employing them.

Lack of understanding

The only information that matters in the freelancer’s eyes is what you have given him to work with. Since they are not familiar with a company’s guiding principles, this might have an impact on their job. Although it seldom presents a problem for most firms, it is something to take into account before hiring a freelancer. An employee who has been employed by a firm for a long time is familiar with its goals. They have received some kind of training as well as a briefing.


Any choice you make that might affect your company should be carefully considered. Depending on the challenges your company is facing, you should decide whether or not to engage a freelancer. Hiring a freelancer should be the best option and complete the task if you only require some knowledge for one or a few jobs. Hiring some trustworthy, full-time employees can be considerably more appropriate if you are seeking people for the long term and are prepared to account for their payments.
