Gina Temple On Veteran Compensation For On-Duty Illness

Gina Temple On Veteran Compensation For On-Duty Illness

Military service comes with a lot of respect. However, it also involves exposure to unique risks and environments that can lead to various illnesses says Gina Temple. Veterans facing health issues due to their duty to military services deserve compensation. However, most veterans don’t know what to do when illness strikes. This is because they understand very little about the veteran compensation law. Here is a quick guide to help you understand your rights.

Gina Temple On Common Illnesses Acquired During Military Duty

Illnesses and military services go hand in hand. You get exposed to various types of situations that can compromise your health. Here is a list of illnesses you can acquire on military duty. 

  1. Respiratory Issues: Exposure to hazardous materials can cause chronic respiratory conditions.
  2. Infectious Diseases: Service in certain regions exposes veterans to diseases like malaria.
  3. Mental Health Conditions: PTSD, depression, and anxiety are possible due to the stresses of combat and military life.
  4. Hearing Loss: Prolonged exposure to loud noises can lead to significant hearing impairment.

Proving That an Illness is Duty-Related

The most challenging aspect of illness due to military service compensation claim is – establishing a connection between your illness and your duty. It is not easy because a processed lawyer can throw your claim away saying that there is no valid connection. This is why, you must be a little cautious when you are trying to claim veteran compensation due to on-duty illness.   

  1. Medical Report: Obtain a professional medical report of your condition. This is the most important document in this process. 
  2. Service Records: Document your service history, including deployment locations and duties that may have exposed you to risks.
  3. Medical Statement: You will need a detailed statement from a medical professional that links your condition to your military service. 

Collecting Evidence for On-Duty Illness Compensation

Evidence collection is a vital process in this claim. Through evidence, you can establish that you have been injured on duty. 

  1. Medical Records: Collect all medical records, both military and civilian, documenting your illness and treatment.
  2. Service Records: Secure your military service records with the details of your assignments, duties, and locations where you served.
  3. Buddy Statements: Obtain statements from fellow service members who can testify in your favor.

When to Hire a Lawyer

Hiring a lawyer becomes required if you are not legally sound. If you don’t have legal knowledge, you will need the assistance of a lawyer. However, apart from this – you may need legal assistance in some cases – 

  1. Initial Claim Denied: If your initial claim is denied, a lawyer can help you understand the reasons and assist in filing an appeal.
  2. Complex Cases: For illnesses that are not straightforward or if there is a lack of clear evidence, legal expertise can be invaluable.
  3. Increased Disability Rating: If you believe your illness needs a higher disability rating than what has been assigned, a lawyer can help you. 

Veterans who acquire illnesses during their military service have the right to seek compensation as per Gina Temple. Remember, your service and sacrifice entitle you to support and compensation.
