Struggling with The Slow Internet Connection? Here’s Your Solution

High-speed internet is used by almost everyone for work, communication, and enjoyment. Nothing is more annoying than having to sit through minutes of video buffering or wait several seconds for a website to load. When trying to take a break with some video material, slow internet connectivity might hinder productivity, discourage professionals, and stress you off. Fortunately, there’s still hope because internet speeds may be greatly increased. For better connectivity, you might not even need to contact the ISP. 

Here are some actions to take:

Test Current Internet Speeds

The simplest approach to decide if you need to increase your plan or not is to check your internet speed. You can test your internet speed on a number of websites by simply sending and receiving data packets. This will give you a clear indication of how quickly your internet is moving and simply takes a few seconds.

Log into your ISP account after completing this to check your internet speed. You might need to upgrade the plan if your actual speed is near to the speed promised by it or equal to it. If the pace is nowhere near what is promised in the plan, there may be a systemic issue that has to be resolved.

Reboot Modems and Routers

Modems and routers, like all hardware parts, can deteriorate with time, which has an immediate effect on internet speeds. Resetting your modem will allow you to benefit from faster internet. On the back of these gadgets, there is typically a tiny reset button that you press and release as needed. Check the internet speeds of all the machines connected to the network after restarting the modem or router.

It’s possible that you need to call a professional to fix your internet connection if the speeds on all of your machines are slow. If only one device experiences sluggish performance, your home network may be being interfered with. Repositioning the router or inspecting internal connections can be a good idea.

Remove Apps that Consume Broadband

Many programmes utilise bandwidth while running in the background, and most users eventually lose track of them. Skype, torrent apps, antivirus software, and other programmes can all reduce your internet speed. Look for background Internet-using apps on your devices and shut all except the most critical programmes off.

Install QoS

Quality of Service, or QoS, is what this router may use to assist prioritise how much bandwidth each device receives. A QoS router will automatically assign additional bandwidth to high-priority devices depending on your settings if there is a bottleneck on all devices and it is reducing your Internet speeds, which will increase Internet speeds on the device that needs it the most. For instance, the QoS will allocate more bandwidth to the laptop and less to your phone, smart assistant, and other similar devices if you’re working on your own laptop and experiencing poor connections.

Check your wiring

Although it may go unnoticed, the cable that connects your router to a switch, phone line, or computer could affect connectivity or performance. If your lines are old, you might want to consider replacing older ADSL/Ethernet wires with newer ones to see if it addresses the issue.

Switch to a less crowded channel

Wi-Fi channels make data transmission and reception easier. When you have several connections, bottlenecks may occur and slow down your speed. You might be possible to change to less crowded traffic routes depending on the channels your router employs.

To effortlessly check your Wi-Fi channels and see what devices are connected to your network, there are many Android and iOS apps available. To switch channels, log in to your router’s setup page and choose the desired channel from the list of choices.


First of all, what constitutes “excellent” internet speed depends on your demands. 25 Mbps will be considered the best internet connection if all you wanted to do was check and send work emails, stream the latest show you’re binge-watching, or Google a quick inquiry. Although, 50-100 Mbps are “excellent” for folks who work from home, play games, or want to broadcast in HD. 50 Mbps and more than that is ideal if numerous people are browsing and streaming simultaneously in your home.

We just explained to you how to check and boost up the internet speed. And if these things did not work, then contact We will surely help you out. You May also try Best PC Cleaner Software to make your PC Speed faster.
